3 Powerful Quotes by Schitts Creek’s Alexis Rose That Will Stop You From Second-Guessing Yourself

I often find myself overthinking and going through every single scenario that could happen. It’s EXHAUSTING.

This actually happened to me a couple of nights ago and I just so happened to be watching Schitts Creek. Something that Alexis Rose said just spoke to me lol. She said, “David, nobody cares.” And it is SO true. It’s that simple. Nobody freaken cares.

3 Powerful Quotes by Schitts Creek’s Alexis Rose That Will Stop You From Second-Guessing Yourself

  1. Okay, you are acting all sorts of crazy right now. This honestly does not matter. Nobody cares.

  2. There is nothing wrong with asking for what you deserve.

  3. People aren’t thinking about you the way that you’re thinking about you.

Next time you find yourself overthinking, I encourage you to channel your inner Alexis Rose and remember you have no idea what others are actually thinking and they most likely don’t care.


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