3 Pilates Moves to Work Your Core + Improve Posture

If your fitness goals are focused on strengthening your core, try Pilates. The Pilates method works from the deeper muscles of your center, from the inside out. The “center” is often called your “powerhouse” and is where movement is initiated.

Here are some pointers to keep in mind when doing these 3 Pilates moves to work your core, including your obliques.

  • Start with a small range of motion (ex: smaller circles), then gradually increase

  • Stay lifted in the upper body and keep the collarbones wide

  • The abdominal scoop: Pull your ab muscles in towards the spine, like you’re zipping up a tight pair of jeans.

Bonus: These exercises also works on posture by opening up the shoulders and chest.

The moves:

  1. Hip Circles

  2. Knee Folds (on forearms)

  3. Double Leg Lower Lift (bent knees, on forearms)

Check out the routine here:

Disclaimer: It is recommended that you consult with a physician before starting a new exercise program and follow their safety recommendations. Please listen to your body and stop if you experience any sharp or shooting pain. When participating in any exercise or exercise program, you agree that you do so at your own risk and assume all risk of injury to yourself. By using this site, you understand and agree that this channel has no liability to you for any injury or loss you may suffer in connection with any content posted on this site. The use of any information provided on this site is solely at your own risk.


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